New Years Resolutions...can they work?
"I'm going to start going to the gym and lose weight." "I'm going to read more." "I'm going to save up for a down payment." "I'm going to do better with self-care." New Years Resolutions. Some of them fail, and some of them succeed. What makes certain resolutions doomed for failure, while others are followed through and achieved? Honestly, it depends. I know that is a frustrating answer, but there isn't just one answer! Today will will discuss tried and true ways to set yourself up for success. These ideas go for all goals, not just New Year's Resolutions! Though there are lots of different tools to help you set and follow through with New Year's Resolutions, today we will talk about two: SMART Goals and Stages of Change. SMART GOALS Setting our New Years Resolutions well can be a head start to meeting those goals. SMART Goals is an acronym, and following it is a way to ensure that you and others around ...